CMI Journal

The CMI Magazine is aimed at managers and administrators of organizations, professionals in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, researchers and students of responsible management for sustainable development, with a multidisciplinary research approach that includes areas such as business management, NGOs, associations and public administrations. , economy, finance, environment, biodiversity, international cooperation, psychology, sociology, engineering, architecture, mathematics, social, human and legal sciences, among others.

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Learn about the advantages of publishing in the CMI Scientific Journal:
  • It is published in the scientific journal of the Conscious Management Institute (CMI), a recognized research center and an international reference in Conscious Management and CSR.
  • 100% open and free online access for readers.
  • International reach, we receive publications at a global level.
  • Multilingual, submit your articles in the language (s) of your choice.
  • Anonymous review by at least two renowned researchers.
  • Universal publication costs, free, affordable and available to everyone. Rates 2020-2021:
    • First 100% free publication for first writings sent before December 31, 2021.
    • Investigation article:
      • 400 Euros after acceptance of the publication by the reviewers.
      • 10% loyalty discount for subsequent publications.
    • Other publications:
      • 300 Euros after acceptance of the publication by the reviewers.
      • 10% loyalty discount for subsequent publications.
    • 100% free publications and discounts available upon express request duly justified and approved.

Discount rates: for authors from developing / emerging countries or those with functional diversity.

  • Publication of excellence and agile management, with immediate response and a publication process lasting approximately 25 days.
  • Rigorous process of selection of publications based on scientific-technical, methodological validity and subject to the highest ethical standards.